This is a special time for us to draw closer to God, seek His guidance, and intercede for our families, church, and community.
What is Fasting?
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that involves abstaining from certain foods, activities, or habits to focus more on prayer and our relationship with God. During these 21 days, we encourage you to choose something meaningful to fast from.
Items to Fast From:
Here are some suggestions:Food - Consider fasting from a particular meal each day, or certain types of food like sweets, meat, or processed foods. Some might choose a complete fast or a Daniel fast, eating only fruits and vegetables.
Media- Take a break from social media, TV, or other forms of entertainment to spend more time in prayer and scripture reading.
Habits- Think about fasting from certain habits or activities that may distract you from your spiritual growth, such as excessive shopping, gaming, or unnecessary spending.
Caffeine or Sugar- For some, giving up coffee, tea, or sugary treats can be a significant sacrifice that reminds you to turn to prayer.
We are going to set aside dedicated time each day for prayer. Use this time to seek God’s presence, listen to His voice, and lift up your needs and the needs of others.
Everyday from 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Join us on google meets -
Friday, April 11 | 7:00 PM to Saturday, April 12 | 7:00 PM
Join us on google meets