The Alpha Course is a series of 30 minute videos which introduce the basics of the Christian faith. The engaging videos are combined with small group discussions where participants are encouraged to ask any question. It answers questions like:
Who is Jesus?, Why did Jesus have to die? and Why and How Should I Read the Bible?  There is a single Saturday seminar towards the end of the course on the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

Starts January 4th | 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

For more information call/text Pastor Linda at 516 503 4766.


Is there an age restriction?
This course is open to all ages.

Is this meeting in person?
No, the meetings are all online via zoom.

Do I have to be a Christian for this course?
We welcome anyone, whether you are a newborn Christian, someone who’s been in the faith for a long time, or someone who isn’t Christian.

Can I bring my friends who are curious?
Yes! This course is open to anyone who is curious about Christianity and want a safe space to share and discuss.

How will the course look like?
We will start off with the 30 min video that discusses different topics and afterwards, we will break up into smaller groups for more intimacy and ample time for sharing for everyone. During small groups there will be questions for the small group leader to ask. After the time of questions, we will close in prayer as a group.